Don't break the bank!!!!

Financial responsibility begins with the ability to budget. You can expect to have an initial budget that will include funds provided by the agency. Your CSW will teach you how to budget for the things that you need to survive. This will include helping you to identify what expenses you have each month and how to budget for these expenses according to your budget. This also includes doing away with the fairytale of asking your worker to increase your budget by pulling money out of thin air.

As you may know, most adults are paid twice per month. As adults we understand that we have a budget that includes a set amount according to our paycheck. If we mismanage our money or do not budget we can not ask our employers for more money. In order to increase our income we must obtain a higher paying job or seek additional income from a 2nd job.

You will be expected to seek and obtain employment if you are not employed. Once employed your Pathways budget will be adjusted and you will take on more financial responsibility. Ideally, you will be able to pay 100 percent of your expenses and will have all of your Pathways funds saved in your emancipation savings fund.

Click here if you have budgeting skills

Do you want to know why good credit is important?

10 Consequences of Bad Credit

The importance of a budget

Pathways * Chicago, IL 60615 * (888) 667-9110